Accessibility at The Water Television Network

The Water Television Network is committed to promoting an equitable work environment. The Water Television Network is also committed to conducting business and providing services in the communities where we operate in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of all our people, partners, clients and customers. Our shared commitment is to respect and nurture a diverse and accessible environment across the organization. Your accessibility feedback may be submitted by completing the form below.

Accessibility Feedback and Contact Information

The Water Television Network is committed to serving the needs of our people, partners, clients and customers. Any feedback, including comments, questions and/or complaints are welcome in order to help improve the accessibility of our services in any area of our business. Your feedback may be submitted by completing the form below, in person, by telephone, mail, by delivering an electronic text by email, or by any other agreed upon alternate format.

To provide feedback, or to request information in an alternate format. Please contact Sherry Colney, CMA CPA – Chief Financial Officer - in one of the following ways:

The Water Television Network understands and appreciates the concerns that you may have with regard to anonymity, privacy and confidentiality. You have the right to provide your comments anonymously. Any personal information contained in feedback will be kept confidential unless you provide your express consent to disclose your personal information. Automatic acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email and webform. For all feedback related to accessibility, we will endeavor to respond to you within 3 business days with the exception of feedback received anonymously.

Automatic acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email and webform. For all feedback related to accessibility, we will endeavor to respond to you within 3 business days with the exception of feedback received anonymously.

Accessibility Feedback

The purpose of the accessibility feedback form is to collect information from persons with disabilities who may be experiencing difficulties related to one of the following areas:

Please fill out the form below to provide feedback or receive accessibility support.

Please note that this form can be filled out anonymously, name & email are not required.

Accessibility Form

* These fields are required.